Pachakuti AssociationPachakuti Association "PACHAKUTI is the transformation of the human being, nature, history and society, it is the awakening of the new consciousness synchronized with Cosmos and evolutionary nature."
"The integral development of the human being through the protection and practice of ancestral medicine, cultural patrimony, spirituality and collective knowledge originated within indigenous cultures and the implementation of ancestral healing techniques for the necessities of modern society." This organization is promoted by Gonzalo Rodriguez, Ayahuasca therapeutic guide, musician and specialist in copyright, collective knowledge and ancestral patrimony. Calixta Gabriel Xiquin is a Mayan-Kakchiquel Aj'Kij (spiritual guide) who has dedicated most of her life to learn more about the ancestral world view of her people, about inner healing, and to contribute to the creation of a new legacy of healing women, heiresses of their origins and renovated spirit of their Mayan blood. If you would like to learn more about the Pachakuti Association and its activities, please write to:
Para mayor informaciĆ³n: m e d i c i n e @ a y a h u a s c a c e r e m o n i e s . o r g |